Crown Green Bowl Density:


With the start of the Crown Green Bowling season fast approaching, do you need to consider purchasing a new set of bowls? Many of our customers tell us that bowls they’ve used for years no longer feel comfortable in their hand, often due to ageing and/or arthritis.


Did you know that Crown Green Bowls are available in three ‘densities’? Standard, Low and High. Most bowlers use a Standard Density bowl. However, you might find a that a High Density bowl – which is smaller in size but weighs the same, fits your hand better. Or, perhaps a Low Density bowl which is larger, but weights less, might be more suitable.


Standard Density Bowls:


These are the most popular bowls available, they work well on fast or slow greens, not as well as high density on fast green or low density on slow greens, but better than high density on slow greens or low density on fast greens. They are good general purpose bowls and purchased by bowlers who wish to finish the season with the same bowls as they started.


High Density Bowls:


These are manufactured using a denser plastic which reduces the hand size of a bowl for a given weight. For example, a 2 lb 10 oz high density bowl will be the same physical size as a 2 lb 8 oz one. This creates two advantages and one disadvantage:




Bowlers with smaller hands can bowl heavier. For example a bowler that bowls 2 lb 6 oz Standard Density can bowl 2 lb 8 oz High Density with no increase in size. Excellent performance on fast greens, because the bowl is denser it pulls-up, instead of running past the jack and perhaps falling into the ditch.




High Density bowls do not perform as well on slow greens and are often short of the jack and need to be sent with more effort, this can sometimes lead to inaccuracy.


Low Density Bowls:


Low Density bowls are either manufactured from wood (Lignum Vitae) or Plastic. Lignum Vitae, being a natural product, is not as dense as standard density plastic, the result is that the physical bowl size is greater for a given weight.


For example, a 2 lb 10 oz wooden bowl will be the same size as 2 lb 12 oz standard density. Low density plastic bowls try to emulate the properties of wooden bowls and therefore are likewise larger in size than standard density bowls. This creates one advantage and two disadvantages:




Excellent performance on slow greens, because the bowl is less dense, instead of being short of the jack they travel that extra yard.




The bowl is bigger in the hand, so a 2 lb 8 oz low density bowl feels like a 2 lb 10 oz standard density or a 2 lb 12 oz high density bowl. This means that to maintain one's hand size a drop in weight is require, normally 2 oz. Low density bowls can run for ever, like perpetual motion, on a fast green. So many beginners find it difficult to control low density bowls because of their bulk and running ability. Some more experienced players overcome this problem by having their bowls lacquered or by using grip wax.

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© Matthew Stephenson

