Bowling Section AGM
Wednesday 21 November 2018
Nominations sheet for Executive Committee members is also on the noticeboard if you are interested in any of these positions.
Bowling Section Meeting
Tuesday 20 March 2018
Bowling handbooks will be available at the meeting
AGM Thursday 23 November 2017 @ 8pm
Nominations sheet for proposals for Bowling Executives are on the Bowling noticeboard. If you would like to take up one of these positions please put your name forward.
Meeting - Thursday 23 March 2017 @ 7.30pm
This is a pre-season meeting where Bowling handbooks will be available.
AGM Tuesday 24 January 2017 @ 7.30pm
Nominations sheet for proposals for Bowling Executives are on the Bowling noticeboard. If you would like to take up one of these positions please put your name forward.
Important Bowling Section Meeting
Friday 22 April 2016 @ 7.30pm
This meeting is important to discuss teams, especially Huddersfield teams and the Spen Valley evening league. It is important if you play in these leagues you attend the meeting to give your opinion as to the decision of maybe withdrawing some teams in the very near future, as close as next week.
Please attend if you may be affected by these decisions.
Next Bowling Section Meeting
Tuesday 22 March 2016 @ 7.30pm
Bowling Section handbooks will be available at this meeting.
The meeting notice will be on the noticeboard this weekend and the tick list will also be there soon.
Bowling Section Meeting
Tuesday 17 February 2015 @ 7.45pm
Captains and League Delegates will be decided at this meeting. If you are already a captain, please confirm to Janice that you are still willing to captain your team in 2015 before the above meeting. A Captains sheet is on the Bowling Section noticeboard at CSC for completion. Anyone else interested in being a Captain contact Janice Walton.
Your attendance is requested